Crazy enough?

Submitted by cvining on

We are all agreed that your theory is crazy. The question which divides us is whether it is crazy enough to have a chance of being correct. My own feeling is that it is not crazy enough.

Quote Author

Said to Wolfgang Pauli after his presentation of Heisenberg's and Pauli's nonlinear field theory of elementary particles, at Columbia University (1958), as reported by F. J. Dyson in his paper "Innovation in Physics"

Heartless attack

Submitted by cvining on

You have to have a heart to have an attack

Quote Author

Said of Peter Sellers who suffered 8 heart attacks when he inhaled amyl nitrites (poppers) as a sexual stimulant

Silent killer of the night

Submitted by cvining on

The liver is the only thing standing between the smoker and death! Also certain other things have to be avoided... like, uh, feather beds, and romantic novels... and the, uh, touching of one's organs. Masturbation is the silent killer of the night! The vilest sin of self-pollution! It is the sin of Onan!

Sex is the sewer drain

Submitted by cvining on

Sex is the sewer drain of a healthy body, sir! Any use of the sexual act other than procreation is a waste of vital energy! Wasted seeds are wasted lives!