"It is only when the rich are sick that they fully feel the impotence of wealth.
Reviews of, Comments on Books, Movies, etc.
Submitted by cvining on
OK, I do mostly like Netflix. Even though they often won't stream the film I'd really like to watch, usually I can find something I haven't seen. But their "Suggestions For You" are, often as not, just silly.
Here are two examples Netflix thought I'd like, and why:
Submitted by cvining on
Saw it this afternoon.
Not exactly, I suppose, a 'feel good' movie. Even a bit dark. But actually quite well done. Bits of foreshadowing, some very nice cinematography with those italian villages.
I love the scene in the bar with that Sergio Leone film "Once Upon A Time In The West" playing in the background. The bartender just nods at the TV with pride: "Italiano."