My chance to what?

Submitted by cvining on

After dinner, Rita turned to Theron and said: you missed your chance.

Theron: Chance to what (of course he replied).

Rita: Chance to avoid growing old. The  only way to avoid growing old is to die young, and you missed your chance on that one.

Quote Author

circa Theron's 65th birthday, 1979 in Gainesville, FL

Jesus H Christ

Submitted by cvining on

Jesus H Christ

Quote Author

Dad had just the one go-to curse, and when he used it you knew he was serious and gave him a wide berth

Migration of this website from Drupal 9 to Drupal 10

Submitted by cvining on

Today I declare this website upgraded from Drupal 9 to Drupal 10.  In most ways the upgrade went smouthy, and certainly was easier than previous major version upgrades.

Still, the Theme was using isn't available in Drupal 10, so i had to choose and configure a new theme. That was harder than it should be IMHO.

Harder was getting Quotes to work as I'd like. Formatting was tRicky.

My impression is that the Drupal community has moved much more to large, enterprise sites rather than the smaller sites lIke mine. Frankly, i would go with WordPress if i were starting out today, I'm even tempted to make a static archive of the current  site and starting over with WordPress. 

But for now, this is where I am.


Mondays are for waves

Submitted by cvining on

On Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays we use the wave theory; on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays we think in streams of flying energy quanta or corpuscles.


in Electrons & Ether Waves : being the twenty-third Robert Boyle lecture, on 11th May 1921, Oxford University Press, 1921, p. 11.

Whence 'Free Will'?

Submitted by cvining on

Sapolsky's new book, Determined: A Science of Life without Free Will, re-Kindled (so to speak) conversation with a friend (I'm looking at you, Gary) on Free Will. I'm often misunderstood on the subject I'll say again: it's not so much that i reject the idea of Free Will as I utterly don't understand where it comes from.

Of course I concede it feels lIke I'm free to choose vanilla vs chocolate, I'm just confused about how that choice is actually made. So, here I'll try to elaborate what i see as the core problem.



Submitted by cvining on

A gentleman is someone who knows how to play the banjo and doesn't.

Quote Author

Penis and a brain

Submitted by cvining on

God gives us a penis and a brain, and only enough blood to run one at a time 

Quote Author


Submitted by cvining on

Horses sweat. Men perspire. Women glow.

Lol, when I said something about a sweaty summer day.  I was glowing thru my t-shirt.

Quote Author

Said to his daughter one sweaty summer day when she was "glowing" through her t-shirt