Who is behind the geopolitics.co website?

Who is behind the geopolitics.co website?

Two friends have brought to my attention the website https://geopolitics.co/, chock-full of content ranging from US bioweapons programs in Ukraine, Nazis, UFOs, chemtrails, genocide, the Kazarian mafia and all sorts of sensational topics. I haven't read much of it. Any particular topic would require endless hours to unpack and there must be hundreds of posts. It's extensive, and pretty sophisticated. 

But who's behind it? That's what I thought I'd comment on here. My first approach is to follow the copyright notices at the bottom of the pages.



Screenshot of geopolitics.co taken 20221229

Copyright at bottom of a geopolitics.co page: "© 2011-2022 Copyright Covert Geopolitics - an online publication of eClinik Learning. All rights reserved."


The same, or very nearly the same, content with a similar copyright notice appears at the website https://eclinik.wordpress.com/.  Apart from some formatting differences and minor menu variations the two websites seem really the same, but this may simply be an older, out of date version of geopolitics.co



Screenshot of https://eclinik.wordpress.com/ taken 20221229


This leads to an organization called "eClinik Learning", using the same logo and focused somehow on healthcare and sales of a few products.


Copyright at the bottom of a page: "© 2009-2022 eClinik® Learning Copyright. eClinik® is a registered trademark of Ascetek Solutions. All rights reserved."


Which at last leads to the company Ascetek Solitions, out of "Ormoc City, Philippines 6541" 



Copyright at the bottom of a page:  "© 2009-2022 Ascetek Solutions® Copyright. Ascetek Electronic Solutions is a registered company in the Philippines. All rights reserved."

This company, in turn, sells a device they call Virutron Pro which for a mere US$1271.78 is, and I quote,

'Good for all “incurable” diseases.'



Copyright at the bottom of the page: "© 2009-2022 Virutron® Copyright. Virutron® is a registered trademark of Ascetek Electronic Solutions. All rights reserved."


Now. I can't say for sure whether this device works or not. And I can't say if the parent company, Ascetek out of the Philippines, has any other agenda. But I can say ads for this product appear on every page of geopolitics.uk.

So it is my opinion the entire website is a scam, designed to attract people sympathetic to controversial beliefs and funnel them to buy an expensive electronic product that likely has no merit whatever. But that's just my opinion.

