Including Iraq, etc.
"It was a bright, cold day in April and the clocks were striking thirteen."
-- Opening line of Orwell's prescient 1984
"When the president does it … that means that it is not illegal "
--Richard Nixon, 1977 interview with David Frost
Members of Congress astound
Their ethics the best around
But sometimes they will bend it
And try to defend it
With logic utterly unsound
Yesterday, November 11, was Veterans Day. I dId not celebrate. Never do.
We grow up being told we owe our liberty, freedom, our very way of life to the brave veterans of war, and those who gave their lives. And surely there's much to be said for this. Without the soldiers of the American Revolution, the Civil War, WWI and WWII would there even be a nation?
The House yesterday by an overwhelming vote, including all Republicans and a majority of Democrats (328 for, 86 against, and 14 present), approved a resolution which, taken literally and to a logical conclusion, requires eliminating Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, public roads, libraries and everything else supported by taxpayers for the common good.
Two friends have brought to my attention the website https://geopolitics.co/, chock-full of content ranging from US bioweapons programs in Ukraine, Nazis, UFOs, chemtrails, genocide, the Kazarian mafia and all sorts of sensational topics. I haven't read much of it. Any particular topic would require endless hours to unpack and there must be hundreds of posts. It's extensive, and pretty sophisticated.
"There are three types of people in this world: sheep, wolves and sheep dogs."
As spoken by Chris Kyle's father in the Clint Eastwood directed film "American Sniper" (2014), said to be "loosely based" on the real live story of Christopher Scott Kyle 1974-2013. The real Kyle was a highly decorated Navy SEAL sniper who served four tours in Iraq with over 150 confirmed kills. A hero in any sense of the word.
How red are my hands? I descend from slave owners. My biological father developed weapons of mass destruction, chemical, biological, radiological, and advocated for them as somehow superior to nuclear weapons options. As a youth, American men and boys, not much older than me, were sent to Vietnam to burn women and children and villages, with napalm. Under 43 America murdered hundreds of thousands of Iraqis, tortured many more. I can, of course, go on.
FLM: Fox Lies Matter
I wish to join the call for calm. To those who feel insurrection is treason, punishable by death, I council calm and mercy. We are bigger than those insurgents of January 6, 2021 who sought to topple our government, our constitution, our core belief in rule by law.