Theron Marcus Vining

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The Puritan ethic is the constant fear that someone, somewhere, is having a good time.

     -- Theron Marcus Vining

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Other than that, Mrs. Lincoln, how did you enjoy the play?

     -- Theron Marcus Vining

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He who walks in the middle of the road gets run over by both sides

     -- Theron Marcus Vining, Faux Chinese Proverb

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The Irish have no culture.

     -- Theron Marcus Vining, Despite tbe fact he married an Irish woman, and we now know his biological father was Irish. 

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Don’t take moderation too far, moderation should not be taken to extremes.”

     -- Theron Marcus Vining

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It's in the script

     -- Theron Marcus Vining, His response while watching something on TV, when a character does something foolish and his daughter asks aloud "why would anyone do that?"

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After dinner, Rita turned to Theron and said: you missed your chance.

Theron: Chance to what (of course he replied).

Rita: Chance to avoid growing old. The  only way to avoid growing old is to die young, and you missed your chance on that one.

     -- Theron Marcus Vining, circa Theron's 65th birthday, 1979 in Gainesville, FL

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Jesus H Christ

     -- Theron Marcus Vining, Dad had just the one go-to curse, and when he used it you knew he was serious and gave him a wide berth

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Horses sweat. Men perspire. Women glow.

Lol, when I said something about a sweaty summer day.  I was glowing thru my t-shirt.

     -- Theron Marcus Vining, Said to his daughter one sweaty summer day when she was "glowing" through her t-shirt 

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You pays your monies, you takes your chances

     -- Theron Marcus Vining, Not original with TMV, but he used it well

Theron Marcus Vining