Rivers are damp;
Acids stain you;
And drugs cause cramps.
Guns aren’t lawful;
Nooses give;
Gas smells awful;
You might as well live "
Including Iraq, etc.
Dear Congressman Rogers, I have just read your email dated today, 20080604, with Subject: "E-Newsletter: U.S. Needs New Energy Policy" .
There are a few points in which we are agreement: the US has no energy policy, we should halt oil subsidies, and we need to invest in alternate energy sources.
In 2003 Scott McClellan, then the White House Press Secretary, tells us he has spoken to Libby and Rove and assures us they were not involved in the outing of CIA agent Valerie Plame.
Libby was found guilty of four counts of perjury, obstruction of justice, and making false statements in March 2007. Neither he nor anyone else has been charged with the actual leak, but that's probably because everyone is still lying about it.
When Pres. Bush commuted Mr. Libby's 30 month jail sentence he abused the power of the President, clearly an impeachable offense. No one can question that the President has this authority, but to abuse his power in this way demands action. Democrats and Republicans alike should find the courage to just say no.
President Bush today commuted the 30 month jail sentence of convicted perjurer Scooter Libby, the former Chief of Staff for Vice President Cheney. Libby was found guilty of lying to investigators looking into the outing of Valerie Plame.
Yup, the former communist nation that once threw out the Chinese because they were too radical (i.e., not Communist enough) came out with "wildly enthusiastic crowds" for for President Bush. Go figure.
Shamelessly copied from:
[insert joke here]
Within hours, the Gun Owners of America blamed the April 16, 2007 shootings at Virginia Tech on "gun bans", arguing that if there were more guns on campus someone could have shot Cho:
They also believe the right to own guns is a "God-given":
In violation of the Hatch Act the Bush Administration has repeatedly and consistently used at least 15 federal agencies to try to influence elections, favoring Republican candidates (aka "our candidates") over Democrats. The report in the Washington Post details 20 meetings held in 2006-7 alone organized by deputies of Karl Rove.
Reuters reports today about a Chinese woman charged with "organizing pornographic activiities" when she organized nude internet chat sessions. Using a webcam. Right: chatting in the buff.
Charges were dropped, it seems, when after examining the actual laws officials discovered there was no law against nude internet chatting.
Chalk one up for rule of law in China.