Drupal Hosting via BOA: Benchmarking

Drupal Hosting via BOA: Benchmarking

  1. Rackspace, 512M RAM, quad-core, Debian 6 (Squeeze), 64-bit, stock php.ini memory_limit =128MB
  2. Amazon EC2,612M RAM, single-core,Ubuntu 10.04 LTS, 64-bit, micro-instance:ubuntu/images/ebs/ubuntu-lucid-10.04-amd64-server-20120110 (ami-8eb33ebe), stock php.ini memory_limit = 128MB.
    1. Added a 3GB swap volume, as no swap was included in the AMI
    2. The single core seems to easily become overloaded.  During installs, for example, the CPU load (via top) often reaches large (>5) values and progress slows to a stall.
    3. Also stalls under drupal authenticated loads.
  3. Linode, 512M RAM, Debian 6, 32-bit, stock php.ini memory_limit = 128MB
  4. Hotdrupal, "Plus v2" account (no longer available), stock php.ini memory_limit =160MB.
  5. Hostgator, "Baby Plan" account, stock php.ini memory_limit = 256MB


Initial website:

  • install standard profile, drupal-7.12-prod
  • install devel & devel generate modules
  • turn on devel block
  • turn on devel 'page timer' and 'memory usage'

Content generation

  • 2,000 users
  • 5,000 nodes
  • 5,000 path aliases
  • 250 terms
  • 15 vocabularies

anonymous, ​ab test

  1. ​ab -n1000 -c1 http://server/
  2. ab -n1000 -c5 http://server/

admin, ab test

  1. ab -n100 -c5 -C 'SESSxxx=yyyy' http://server/admin/modules/

Benchmark Protocol

  • x = l (linode), a (amazon), r (rackspace)
  • y = 1, 5 concurrent sessions
  • sxANy: anonymous, ab test
  • sxAD: admin, ab test
  • generate content
  • cxANy: ab test
  • cxAD: admin, ab test


  • RPS: requests per second
  • FS: failed requests (%)
  • TPR: time per request (s), mean across all concurrent sessions

