@proceedings{1205, keywords = {Thermoelectricity, Electrical conductivity of other crystalline inorganic semiconductors [A7280J], Thermoelectric effects (semiconductors/insulators) [A7220P], coordinate bonding, crystal structure, Crystal structure of specific inorganic compounds [A6160], Diamagnetic materials, diamagnetic susceptibilities, Diamagnetism and paramagnetism in nonmetals [A7520C], lattice constants, Magnetic susceptibility, Ru2Si3, Ruthenium compounds, Semiconductor materials, single crystal, superstructure, tetragonal symmetry, X-ray diffraction}, author = {I. Ohsugi and T. Kojima and Cronin Vining and M. Sakata and I. Nishida}, title = {Crystal structure and magnetic susceptibility of a Ru2Si3 single crystal}, abstract = {

X-ray diffraction photographic experiments and anisotropic magnetic susceptibility measurement were made to examine the crystal structure of a Ru2Si3 single crystal. The X-ray analysis revealed that the single crystal possesses a tetragonal symmetry. Some very weak X-ray diffraction spots suggest a superstructure with 4-times larger lattice constants than those of the conventional tetragonal lattice. It was found from the susceptibility measurement that the single crystal is diamagnetic at low temperatures ranging from 20 to 300 K, and that the susceptibilities are uni-axially anisotropic, which is consistent with the results of the X-ray diffraction experiments. It is concluded from the diamagnetic susceptibilities that coordinate bonding is established between Si and Ru atoms, which is consistent with the results of a previous magnetic susceptibility analysis of CrSi2. (11 References).

}, year = {1998}, journal = {Seventeenth International Conference on Thermoelectrics. Proceedings ICT98 (Cat. No.98TH8365).}, pages = {3, 370+}, month = {1998///}, publisher = {IEEE, Piscataway, NJ, USA}, url = {http://cvining.com/system/files/articles/vining/Ohsugi-ICT-1998.pdf}, language = {eng}, }